Thursday 27 June 2013

How to Overcome Loneliness and Make New Friends

I'm sure everyone has felt lonely at one time or another, and in these times of rapid technological growth the feeling of loneliness that seems to be growing. Loneliness is an unpleasant feeling in which a person experiences a strong sense of emptiness and solitude resulting from inadequate levels of social relationships. Loneliness is a subjective experience and you do not have to be alone to feel lonely, alone can be lonely in a crowd or a group.

Common problems include loneliness;

Thinking about your problems are so unique that other people do not understand
Feeling that others have friends and are
He feels uncomfortable in everything you do
When a group may feel drowned by voices
Feeling disconnected from the crowd or group
Feeling shy and scared of other
Low self-esteem
Feeling angry, defensive and critical at all, even when it is not directed against you
Be afraid to start conversations with strangers
Convinced that there is something wrong with you
Anxiety and sad to think that no one knows how bad / feels isolated
Loss of ability to assert themselves and to feel invisible
Refusing to accept the change and do not want to try something new
Feel like nothing else matters and suicide
In today's society, the basis of trust between people erode and less people are open to each other. By not open to others loneliness increases other opening prevent we. It is said that if you want to be surrounded by friends, be a friend to others first.It should not be surprising that love gives life to others but it is important to remember that to love someone more we love ourselves effectively themselves first. You can not give what you do not.

Overcoming loneliness involves doing things for yourself, learn to feel better about yourself and develop friendships with others. Here are some practical ideas that you can use to help overcome loneliness;

Remember the feeling of loneliness is temporary
Put yourself in situations where you meet people
Make an effort to talk to someone new
Join societies and religious groups, voluntary organizations, etc.
Stop listening lonely songs
Open to others
Do not judge people on the basis of new relationships in the past with previous people
Close friendships develop gradually as people learn to share their feelings with others
Lead a balanced life and pay attention to nutrition, exercise and get enough sleep
Spend time alone for self-reflection
Reflect on the good memories and be thankful for what you have
Learn a new skill, such as dancing, drawing, painting, etc.
Take time to meditate or pray
If you feel you need help to overcome loneliness or feeling depressed, do not be afraid to seek professional help
As technology increases and allows us to do more of our own homes the level of isolation and loneliness that people feel also seems to be increasing. The only way that will overcome loneliness is that social interaction with others. If you want to feel less alone, then you're going to be the one to do something, it is unlikely that you will have to socialize with people, unless you make an effort to get in situations where there are people to interact. You may if you try some of the suggestions above you might just have a little fun in the process and discover some skills you never knew you had found.

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